How to Write A Proper Common Law Notice and Successfully Stand Up For Yourself Against Governments
We require education, empowerment, and strength for what's happening and what’s about to come next in the world.
Fair to say?
But, more than anything, practical guidance on how to navigate the situation.
It’s safe to say the world is going completely STARK RAVING BONKERS.
Masks, experimental jabs, workplace extortion, invasive tests, digital passports, arrests ... people locked out of Australia... it sounds like a really bad movie.
But it's not. It's real life.
In fact, it’s no exaggeration to say Australia is facing one of its greatest ever challenges.
Airlines, childcare centres, welfare, major fitness centres, event companies, restaurant and cafe chains, public schools and others ... plan to enforce these requirements.
And it isn't just masks, invasive testing and coercive jabs.
These are bad enough as it is.
Bigger issues lie ahead if people don’t push back and TAKE AN EFFECTIVE STAND (notice the word “effective”).
There is already talk about a Great Reset of the world economy and currencies … making jabs a requirement to travel … economic meltdown and stock market collapse … cyber pandemic … and goodness knows what else.
The impact of the lockdowns hasn’t yet fully hit Australia or the western world.
But it will any day now.
And when it does, it will be ugly.
More than ever, it’s time to effectively stand up and push back against this outrageous coercion and apartheid taking place.
But again in standing up …
It’s CRITICAL you do it with wisdom and understanding.
Many internet “false prophets” are preaching utter foolishness. They teach people to do stupid things which have NEVER worked before (and won’t suddenly start working tomorrow).
And because good people have been indoctrinated with false information, they get denied their God given right to voice the truth, stand up for themselves and wisely overcome the extortion.
I stress the word wisely!
Now … as a former lawyer, Warren knows standing up for yourself and writing notices is as much about STRATEGY as it is about KNOWING HOW TO WRITE IT.
And if anything …
The strategy is EVEN MORE IMPORTANT than the knowledge.
Finally … remember this.
Anything you are disempowered in your life, someone else takes power over you.
This is universal law. It is inalienable.
People will keep losing their freedoms until they finally wake up, empower themselves, push back and begin the path to become a sovereign individual.
Are you ready to educate yourself and learn how to stand up effectively?